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Awareness Magazine
PO Box 491111
Los Angeles, CA 90049
(714) 283-3385



Awareness Magazine is Southern California’s Guide to Conscious Living, a free bi-monthly publication covering such issues as Alternative Health Treatments, Natural Health Products, Fitness and Personal Growth, Spirituality, the Environment and much more! We also include Book, Music, DVD and Film Reviews, along with a special Kid’s review page.


We believe that through teaching each other to live in balance with nature, we take responsibility for our own health and well-being. What we have needed in our society is for someone to listen and to take action. Awareness Magazine is addressing these important issues and we encourage you to get involved.



We accept submissions for consideration by email only.  Articles fitting the theme of the issue are selected first, then others as space permits.  We can not guarantee an article will be published. Articles must be interesting, informative, well written — not promoting a product or service, or a self-promo piece.


Each article submitted should have a headline, a byline, the article, and a brief bio at the end. Feature articles can be approx. 750-800 words including bio (max. 75 words), others should be kept to 500-600 words including bio (max. 50 words).  If you aren’t sure which category your article fits into, please call or email us.


Run through spell check, proof carefully as spell check does not catch everything, check total word count, and then email article in a word document, single-spaced without paragraph indents plus extra spacing between paragraphs.  Do not include headers or footers. You may also include a 300 dpi color photo or other image for possible use with the article.  Email: yolanda@awarenessmag.com


We are blessed with an overabundance of submissions each issue, aside from the articles our staff writes, so please submit early.  Often even before the deadline, our space for editorial material is already filled.  A good rule of thumb is to submit your final article at least two weeks before the editorial deadline.  Do not submit an unfinished piece.  See editorial calendar and deadlines below.



First email information regarding book, CD, DVD, or product and we will let you know if it is something that fits our magazine and where to ship your product. If we select your book for review, we need to have it in our hands no later than 30 days prior to the editorial deadline to give us time to read and review your book.



Photos or graphics need to be 300 dpi.  We can resize or convert color to black and white if needed.



We do not compensate writers, however you do receive exposure from the 40,000+ magazines that are distributed and mailed throughout So. California, also some in Arizona, New Mexico and Hawaii.  And your article is placed on awarenessmag.com  which is currently getting about 60,000+ hits every month.  Another bonus is our e-magazine which is emailed directly to the inbox of all subscribers.




JANUARY / FEBRUARY                WOMEN’S ISSUE                  DEADLINE NOV. 30, 2018

MARCH / APRIL                             THE ENVIRONMENT            DEADLINE JAN. 31, 2019

       MAY / JUNE                                    RELATIONSHIPS                 DEADLINE MARCH 30, 2019

JULY / AUGUST                             INDIGENOUS PEOPLES      DEADLINE MAY 31, 2019

  SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER            PROSPERITY                      DEADLINE JULY 31, 2019

    NOVEMBER / DECEMBER           ANGELS / MIRACLES           DEADLINE SEPT. 30, 2019